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This 10 minute full-body warm up is the perf sweat sesh prep

Monday 16 Jan 2017
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Nourishing Honey Face Mask

Monday 16 Jan 2017
When it comes to achieving healthy skin, simple is better. Natural ingredients such as honey have been used for thousands of years, dating back to ancient Egypt. So when it comes to your skin care, maybe it’s time to go old school.

Take advantage of honey’s beautifying properties with this simple DIY face mask. Using three ingredients, this mask will reduce inflammation, target wrinkles, and leave your skin feeling smooth and supple. If all of the ingredients aren’t already in your kitchen, they can be found at your local health food store.


A Week of Healthy Recipes. Get the kids involved in making dinner

Thursday 19 Jan 2017
For a meal plan that works for your family, introduce a few new recipes into your repertoire each week. Or if, for example, your kids are adamant about pasta on Tuesdays keep that meal as is but instead of jarred tomato sauce, include the ingredients from the farmers’ market in the pot. This, like other small ingredient swaps, offers a seemingly new menu for adults, with the familiarity factor kids need, while introducing the family to a few new foods.


Adventurous winter athletes explore Canada’s snowy wonderland

Friday 20 Jan 2017
The weather outside may be frightful, but for winter athletes, that makes Canada’s great outdoors all the more delightful. As our forests and mountains transform into a pristine winter wonderland, these athletes’ adrenalin-filled stories reveal just how much we’re missing if we stay bundled up indoors.

“Snowboarding represents total freedom,” says snowboarder David Short in Whistler, BC. “I have the power to go and do as I wish on the slopes, and this keeps me challenged and inspired.”

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Augmented reality apps that help you explore the world

Friday 20 Jan 2017
We travel to lose ourselves, but not literally. Deciphering street signs in a foreign language can seriously turn you around. Google’s Translate app is your raggedy pocket dictionary, all grown up. Point your phone’s camera at a some text, take a photo, highlight the words, and voilà—readable directions. Translate from 52 tongues when offline, 103 when online. Free, iOS and Android


“How many lessons of faith and beauty we should lose, if there were no winter in our year!”—Thomas Wentworth Higginson

Monday 16 Jan 2017
The weather outside may be frightful, but for winter athletes, that makes Canada’s great outdoors all the more delightful. As our forests and mountains transform into a pristine winter wonderland, these athletes’ adrenalin-filled stories reveal just how much we’re missing if we stay bundled up indoors.

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